Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

provides that no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.


Navigating Title VI Proactively: A Webinar for Higher Education Professionals

This training will provide attendees with critical information related to best practices for responding to Title VI complaints.

This training provides a review of Title VI with a focus on best practices for setting up a Title VI Office including developing policies, responding to complaints, and conducting investigations.

The training will conclude with a review of recent Office for Civil Rights (OCR) Resolutions and provide an overview of the latest guidance and fact sheets from OCR.

Outcome: Participants will gain an overall understanding of Title VI and learn to navigate recent OCR guidelines and best practices for responding to Title VI complaints.


  • An overview of Title VI and its history
  • A review of recent OCR resolutions 
  • OCR guidance and fact sheets
  • Best practices for setting up a Title VI office on campus, including: 
  • Policy 
  • Response processes 
  • Investigations 
  • Hypothetical case study review 

    Intended Audience

    • Title IX Coordinators
    • Campus Administrators and Student Affairs Professionals
    • Student Conduct Officers
    • Compliance Officers
    • Legal Counsel
    • Policy Makers and Review Committees

    Our Client Engagement Team

    Interested in scheduling a training or learning more about creating a custom training or training package that works for your organization? Reach out and we will connect you with the director for your region. 

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