Discrimination, Harassment & Equity 

Titles VI, VII, IX

Response and Resolution


We provide response and resolution services to businesses and public and private schools from P-12 to liberal arts colleges to large research universities. Our approach is highly collaborative and unique to each organization and institution. We embrace the individual mission, values, resources, and culture of each community, helping you find budget-conscious solutions to compliantly and sustainably respond to workplace discrimination, harassment, and equity matters for both employee and student concerns.



Consulting and Coaching

We provide a broad range of discrimination, harassment and equity consulting services to support a company or an institution in achieving its compliance and equity goals. We work with Management, HR, Title IX Coordinators, Equity Directors, CIOs and staff to address and resolve harassment and discrimination issues or meet complex compliance needs.

Young people working in modern office, brainstorming together

Policy and Process

Grand River Solutions assesses your policies and procedures relative to state and federal law as well as to general best practices. After identifying any gaps, we develop a detailed list of recommendations for implementation that are specifically designed for each workplace or campus. We also offer customizable model policies as a cost-effective option.

Business team having morning briefing, top view

Investigations, Hearings, Resolutions

We work to resolve employee, faculty, and student cases at companies and educational institutions. Our experienced practitioners are available to serve as facilitators of alternative resolutions, investigators, decision-makers, hearing officers, chairs, panel members, or appellate officers for all equity and discrimination cases.

Mature, woman and presentation for mentor, work and company in office for colleagues in business. Female professional, talking and coworkers in meeting for brainstorming, ideas and vision in startup

Delegated Roles and Support

Grand River Solutions provides institutions across the country with the ability to delegate some or all of their discrimination, harassment, and equity—Titles VI, VII and  IX—needs on an interim or ongoing basis. We work with companies and schools that need long-term support, as well as those who are experiencing short-term gaps in staff due to leaves, prolonged searches, or hiring freezes.

Confident businesswoman working in a cafe

Visit our ADA/504 and Digital Accessibility Pages.

Track & Manage Your Cases

With our case-management software, adminstrators & parties can easily manage correspondence, scheduling, deadlines, file sharing, evidence uploads, status updates, policy and procedures, reports, and so much more.

Client Case Access and Support Portals

For exisitng clients, if you would like to access a case, select Login. If you would like to learn how use Case Tracker to view and manage cases, select Support.


Facilitators with in-the-field experience deliver training for equity professionals, employees and students.

Our Training for Professionals teaches best practices for managing, investigating, and resolving discrimination, harassment & equity cases

We offer sessions from Managing Title VI Challenges to Appeals and everything in between. Our solutions are designed to fit your organization—choose from our suite of flexible training options.


We provide expert support throughout the entire resolution process. Our team members help reduce the challenges of conducting investigations and live hearings by filling gaps in internal resources via on-site or virtual support.


We provide trained, highly-experienced, and neutral investigators to complete all or as-needed aspects of the  investigation process.

Our experts have extensive experience investigating allegations of harassment, discrimination, as well as dating and domestic violence, stalking, and interpersonal violence. We have a deep understanding of the inner workings of K-12 schools, districts, and higher education institutions.


Our team members help reduce the challenges of conducting live hearing by filling gaps in internal resources and providing schools with the ability to implement on-site or virtual hearings. We have extensive experience in all aspects of conducting a hearing; our experienced equity professionals are available to serve as decision-makers, hearing officers, chairs, panel members, or advisors.

We also offer general training or Just-in-time training for Title VI, and IX Coordinators, Equity Directors, advisors, hearing panel members, and decision-makers, management and CIO’s.

Our team members help reduce the challenges of conducting live hearing by filling gaps in internal resources and providing schools with the ability to implement on-site or virtual hearings. We have extensive experience in all aspects of conducting a hearing; our experienced equity professionals are available to serve as decision-makers, hearing officers, chairs, panel members, or advisors.

We also offer general training or Just-in-time training for Title IX Coordinators, advisors, hearing panel members, and decision-makers.


Grand River Solutions offers comprehensive appeal support. We ensure your process is following both general best practices and individual policy specifications to ensure consistency and quality. We aim to reduce the burden on schools and workplaces of conducting appeals. Our experienced staff can guide you throughout the appeals process, and are available to serve as appeals officers.

  • Appeals Support
  • Providing impartial, third-party appeals officers.
  • Training for appeals officers.
  • Ongoing coaching, mentoring, and reviewing throughout the appeals process
  • Helping institutions integrate appeals into their procedures
Alternative Resolution Process

Grand River Solutions’ trained professionals will mediate and facilitate alternate resolutions in accordance with institutional policies and procedures.

Easy Contact Link for Existing Clients 

Grand River Solutions has a Service Request Portal to make requesting support with investigations, hearings, alternative resolutions, and appeals easy for our existing clients.
Title IX & Equity Services

Whether you need to phone-a-colleague for a case-specific question or your institution needs expert incident response, we can help. Our team’s experts work to meet the immediate and ongoing needs of your campus and community. Services may include training new staff, guidance with evolving laws and best practices, leadership development, or ongoing skill development.

Delegated Roles & Support

Delegate an entire role, or merely some functions to support your Title IX & Equity Offices.

Title IX Coordinator, Equity Director, Deputy Coordinator & Assistant Coordinator
We provide institutions across the country with the ability to delegate some or all of their Title IX & Equity needs on an interim or ongoing basis. We work with schools that need long-term support, as well as those who are experiencing short-term gaps in staff due to leaves, prolonged searches, or hiring freezes.

When Grand River Solutions partners with your school, whether for a month or a year, you gain expert professional services, while minimizing both cost and risk. Some of the services we provide include:

  • Development of work-flow processes templates,
  • Communications protocols
  • Record-keeping protocols
  • Daily hands-on and/or virtual operations management of Title IX offices
    • Including intake and outreach processes
    • Institutional response to reports of harassment and discrimination, including sexual and gender-based misconduct.
    • Review of current processes and procedures, and suggestions for improvement.

Our professionals bring programmatic and process expertise to help navigate evolving federal and local law and implement best practices. When you engage our team, you gain access to a network of professionals with decades of practical experience in Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, VAWA, ADA/504, the Clery Act.

We are also able to provide one-on-one support and mentorship. Read more about these services in our mentoring section.

We also offer general training or Just-in-time training for Title IX Coordinators, Equity Directors, advisors, hearing panel members, and decision-makers.

Title IX Coordinator, Equity Director, Deputy Coordinator & Assistant Coordinator
We provide institutions across the country with the ability to delegate some or all of their Title IX & Equity needs on an interim or ongoing basis. We work with schools that need long-term support, as well as those who are experiencing short-term gaps in staff due to leaves, prolonged searches, or hiring freezes.

When Grand River Solutions partners with your school, whether for a month or a year, you gain expert professional services, while minimizing both cost and risk. Some of the services we provide include:

  • Development of work-flow processes templates,
  • Communications protocols
  • Record-keeping protocols
  • Daily hands-on and/or virtual operations management of Title IX offices
    • Including intake and outreach processes
    • Institutional response to reports of harassment and discrimination, including sexual and gender-based misconduct.
    • Review of current processes and procedures, and suggestions for improvement.

Our professionals bring programmatic and process expertise to help navigate evolving federal and local law and implement best practices. When you engage our team, you gain access to a network of professionals with decades of practical experience in Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, VAWA, ADA/504, the Clery Act.

We are also able to provide one-on-one support and mentorship. Read more about these services in our mentoring section.

We also offer general training or Just-in-time training for Title IX Coordinators, Equity Directors, advisors, hearing panel members, and decision-makers.

Hearing Board Members
Our team members help reduce the challenges of conducting live hearing by filling gaps in internal resources and providing schools with the ability to implement on-site or virtual hearings. We have extensive experience in all aspects of conducting a hearing; our experienced equity professionals are available to serve as decision-makers, hearing officers, chairs, or panel members.

We also offer general training or Just-in-time training for decision-makers and panelists.

Facilitators of Alternative Resolutions

Our experts facilitate informal and alternative resolutions including mediation in accordance with institutional policies and procedures.

Hearing Advisor
We have extensive experience in all aspects of conducting a hearing; our experienced hearing advisors provide support as the role is set forth in the 2020 Title IX Regulations and pursuant to institutional policies.
Cost Savings on Title IX & Equity Services with our Collective Model

Cost Savings on Title IX & Equity Services with our Collective Model

Grand River Solutions facilitates networks of institutions with similar needs designed to ease the financial burden of Title IX & Equity compliance through cost sharing and collective resource optimization. By forming partnerships, institutions receive the benefit of our full team of experts within a cost-effective system. Whether you are a member of an existing consortium or interested in creating your own collective, we can help.

Services may include:

  • Investigations
  • Hearing support including hearing officers, panelists, and advisors
  • Appeals
  • Consulting
  • Alternative Resolutions

Our team members are experienced in workplace investigations, Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, VAWA, ADA, Section 504, workplace bullying, threat assessment, and more.

Interested in learning more?