Title IX Coordinator Training
Title IX Coordinator Training
The agenda includes:
- An overview of the evolution of Title IX and other applicable federal laws and regulations.
- The role of the Title IX Coordinator.
- Building a foundation for success through collaborative partnerships, effective communications, and comprehensive policies and procedures.
- Developing an all-encompassing plan for compliance.
- Education, training and prevention strategies.
- Effective approaches and procedures for responding to reports of sexual harassment and related misconduct.
Intended Audience
- Title IX Coordinators
- Deputy Title IX Coordinators
- Student Conduct Administrators
- Student Affairs Administrators
- Senior/Executive Administrators
- HR Professionals
On January 9, 2025, a federal district court issued a decision vacating the 2024 Final Rule. Consistent with the court’s order, the 2024 Title IX regulations and related resources are not effective in any jurisdiction. We are updating our training schedule to meet your needs in light of the ruling.
Discount options*:
Two or More. Two or more attendees from the same institution receive 10% off registration.
Teams of Five and More. Contact us to receive a special discount.
Collective Member. You may receive 20% off each registration if you are a member of a Grand River Solutions collective.
Contact Elizabeth Brady at ebrady@grandriversolutions.com to receive your discount code.
*Cannot combine discounts.
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