A place to communicate share educate learn
Title IX, Equity & Clery
A place to communicate share educate learn
Title IX, Equity & Clery

Great News! The River Connect has Moved to Linkedin.
WHAT: At the same place you do your business social media networking, you can now find The River Connect and all the great events, resources, and real-time discussions on the topics important to higher ed equity professionals.
WHY: With all the changes and uncertainty, we need community in a place for everyone that is easy to access, saves us time, keeps us connected, and informs us as soon as news is breaking.

THE RIVER CONNECT is a virtual community of experts and colleagues gathered together to help each other process the complexities of the work.
Practitioners in higher education have a wide range of experience, expertise, and capacity. The work is usually complicated, often scrutinized, and sometimes litigated. Compliance obligations combined with the shifting legal landscape make it very hard to stay current. When you CONNECT to the THE RIVER, you will have a continuous flow of information to help guide you in defining your best practice.
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Jui Steffen
The River Connect Community Moderator

Practitioners in higher education have a wide range of experience, expertise, and capacity. The work is usually complicated, often scrutinized, and sometimes litigated. Compliance obligations combined with the shifting legal landscape make it very hard to stay current. When you CONNECT to the THE RIVER, you will have a continuous flow of information to help guide you in defining your best practice.
The Membership

A Network of Colleagues
Get to know your colleagues across the country. Whether you are attending a live event, partaking in the discussion forum, or scrolling through introductions, there’s a wealth of opportunity to meet some engaging peers and build your network.
Discussion Forum
Have a question about climate surveys, current regulations, or need an insider’s perspective on how to handle a tough investigation? Get answers, opinions, personal stories —the discussion board is the place to dive deep and get various perspectives on your topic of choice. Topics are searchable by key words, so you can review past discussions.
Live Events/Webinars
Whether it’s an info session from Joe, our national Clery wizard, an informal conversation with Kateeka or Bill, our Access, Culture and Community virtuosos, or a Q&A with Myra or Crystal, our ADA/504 wunderkinds, you will be continuously updated, and, perhaps entertained.

Our Co-Founders Jody & Cherie live, eat, and breathe Title IX (as long as it’s gluten-free for Jody) and Andrea, our director of consulting, knows compliance like she wrote the laws—she may have. They and many others will be here to help answer your very specific, has-this-ever-happened-to-you type of questions.

Highlights Periodical
We all know that anybody can create access to a library and post regulations and laws, but we digest the data for you, highlight timely issues, point out the essentials, and put everything into a neat, readable summary. We uncomplicate the complicated.

Updated Templates, Forms and Communcations
You won’t have to go digging through the hard-to-find government sites or template libraries when we have everything here. The New Regs are coming and we will be updating the newest items in the paperwork bin, so you don’t have to worry about tracking anything down.

Experts, Experts, Experts
We won’t miss a chance to brag about our whole team, including our exceptional Directors. That’s because in their roles, they have the breadth, knowledge and experience that’s unmatchable. From our Strategic Partner Directors to our Service Directors. you have a dream team of Chantelle, Martha, Blaze, Darci, Jessica, and Karey who will be jumping in for questions, webinars, blog posts, and more.
The Membership

A Network of Colleagues
Get to know your colleagues across the country. Whether you are attending a live event, partaking in the discussion forum, or scrolling through introductions, there’s a wealth of opportunity to meet some engaging peers and build your network.
Discussion Forum
Have a question about climate surveys, current regulations, or need an insider’s perspective on how to handle a tough investigation? Get answers, opinions, personal stories —the discussion board is the place to dive deep and get various perspectives on your topic of choice. Topics are searchable by key words, so you can review past discussions.
Live Events
Whether it’s an info session from Joe, our national Clery wizard, an informal conversation with Kateeka or Bill, Access Culture & Community virtuosos, or a Q&A with Myra or Crystal, our ADA/504 wunderkinds, you will be continuously updated, and, perhaps entertained.

Our Co-Founders Jody & Cherie live, eat, and breathe Title IX (as long as it’s gluten-free for Jody) and Andrea, our director of consulting, knows compliance like she wrote the laws—she may have. They and many others will be here to help answer your very specific, has-this-ever-happened-to-you type of questions.

Highlights Periodical
We all know that anybody can create access to a library and post regulations and laws, but we digest the data for you, highlight timely issues, point out the essentials, and put everything into a neat, readable summary. We uncomplicate the complicated.

Updated Templates, Forms and Communcations
You won’t have to go digging through the hard-to-find government sites or template libraries when we have everything here. The New Regs are coming and we will be updating the newest items in the paperwork bin, so you don’t have to worry about tracking anything down.

Experts, Experts, Experts
We won’t miss a chance to brag about our whole team, including our exceptional Directors. That’s because in their roles, they have the breadth, knowledge and experience that’s unmatchable. From our Strategic Partner Directors to our Service Directors. you have a dream team of Chantelle, Martha, Darci, Blaze, Jessica, and Karey who will be jumping in for questions, webinars, blog posts, and more.
Connect with Your Colleagues
Dissect complexities, address questions, solve a seemingly unsolvable puzzle via a nation-wide community of peers.

Diverse thoughts beget diverse solutions.
Just Some of Our Experts…

Cherie Scricca

Jody Shipper

Joseph Storch

Kateeka Harris

Adam Wolkoff

Andrea Stagg

Myra Waddell

Crystal Coombes

Collin Baer

Darci Heroy

Omar Torres

Chantelle Cleary Botticelli

Martha Compton

Kelly Gallagher

Karey Krohnfeldt

Donna Wagner

Kevin Lineberger

Abby DeFeo

Bill Boerner

Jess Ettell Irvine

Kate Legee

Pari Golchehreh
Just Some of Our Experts…

Jody Shipper

Cherie Scricca

Joseph Storch

Kateeka Harris

Adam Wolkoff

Collin Baer

Bill Boerner

Andrea Stagg

Myra Waddell

Crystal Coombes

Darci Heroy

Omar Torres

Chantelle Cleary Botticelli

Martha Compton

Karey Krohnfeldt

Kevin Lineberger

Abby DeFeo

Kate Legee

Donna Wagner

Kelly Gallagher