Kelly Whitney
Title IX & Civil Rights Investigator
Kelly Whitney, a Title IX, Civil Rights Investigator & Trainer at Grand River Solutions, is a seasoned investigator with over three decades of experience. As a self-starter who ran her own investigations firm for 20 years, she worked both sides of the issues, before becoming a neutral, independent investigator.
Expanding on her interdisciplinary studies in the School of Social Ecology from the University of California at Irvine, Kelly has applied her multifaceted approach to all areas of her investigations.
Kelly has worked as an independent outside investigator for various institutions of higher education and K-12 schools throughout the country. Her cases have included staff and faculty misconduct, sexual assault, harassment, and discrimination cases involving all protected categories. Trained in child forensic interviewing, and as a Court Appointed Special Advocate, she has extensive experience working with high-risk youth. She has conducted thousands of trauma-informed interviews that are comprehensive and inclusive. She is known for maintaining a communicative atmosphere of respect, trust and empathy while attending to the rigorous task of gathering and interpreting information. Due to her extensive experience in criminal investigations, Kelly has frequently been called on to testify on behalf of her cases in criminal and civil court.
Kelly is licensed with the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services in California and has worked at the highest levels in criminal investigations, with more than 100 homicide and sexual assault cases throughout the Bay Area. She has also served as a mitigation specialist on capital murder cases. Her keen eye for detail has been strengthened over her many years of conducting and documenting investigations.