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From Policy to Practice: Implementing the Stop Campus Hazing Act (SCHA)

Compliance Standards & Preventing Hazing Harm

In-Person Training


Overview of Session

This comprehensive training provides participants information to understand the compliance obligations of the 2024 Stop Campus Hazing Act (SCHA) Amendments to the Clery Act. Learning how to use practical strategies and employ best practices of SCHA will help you fully support your campus community in providing meaningful prevention of hazing harm. Participants will receive a model policy, hazing reporting decision tree, and clarity of the overlap and interaction with other federal and state laws. The facilitators will include guidance on how to meet and exceed compliance requirements.

Duration: 7 hours including lunch break


The agenda includes:  

  • The various obligations of the Stop Campus Hazing Act with a focus on implementation.
  • Model policy language.
  • Risks and mitigation tactics from the lived experiences of other institutions to develop strong policy language and procedures.
  • Overlaps and distinctions with other federal (Title IX, Title VI, Title VII, VAWA) and state laws.
  • Training relevant campus staff on the obligations (including CSA’s, athletics).
  • Meaningful, research-based and/or evidence-informed prevention strategies that are specific to hazing as a unique type of harm, covering community belonging, bonding, and tradition.


Intended Audience

  • Office of General Counsel
  • Student Affairs (including Student Conduct, Sorority and Fraternity Life, Campus Activities, Residence Life & Housing, and Student Government Advisors)
  • Athletics and Campus Rec.
  • R.O.T.C.
  • Music, Art, Academic Specialty/Honor Society, Media, and Other Sponsored and Recognized Club Advisors
  • Risk Management
  • Compliance
  • University Police/Public Safety
  • Health Promotions/Prevention
  • Communications

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Essential Resources


Analysis & Checklist

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Our Client Engagement Team

Interested in scheduling a training or learning more about hosting a training in your region? Reach out and we will connect you with the director for your area.