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Our commitment to delivering solutions is unwavering. We have created and collected resources we find valuable and made them available free of charge and on-demand. Find tips for conducting web-based interviews, guidance on implementing the May 2020 Title IX Regulations, Title IX news and DOE Blog updates, Clery Handbook, and promising practices to ensure smooth virtual hearings.
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Spotlight on the Proposed Title IX Rule
In June 2022, the U.S. Department of Education released new proposed Title IX regulations, and on July 12 those proposed regulations became open for public comment. The final regulations will be issued once the Department has reviewed the feedback and made revisions or otherwise addressed the comments in the preamble to the regulations.
Once the final Title IX rule is published and the implementation date known, schools will want to revise policies and procedures to align with applicable law. Grand River Solutions looks forward to working with your Title IX team to support your school’s efforts to update your policies and procedures to be consistent with the new regulations, best practices, and your community’s expectations and culture.
NCAA Student-Athlete Serious Misconduct Attestation Template Form
The NCAA Board of Governors issued a revised Policy on Campus Sexual Violence on April 27, 2021. Starting in the 2022-2023 academic year, this policy requires that students participating in athletics annually disclose whether they have engaged in conduct that resulted in discipline through a Title IX or sexual misconduct proceeding or in a criminal conviction for sexual, interpersonal, or other acts of violence. Transfer student-athletes also must disclose whether a Title IX or sexual misconduct proceeding was incomplete at the time of transfer.
In support of this initiative, Grand River Solutions is offering the following editable template which adheres to the NCAA disclosure requirements while allowing institutions the flexibility to expand information collection according to their needs.
Interim Limiting, Exclusionary, and Emergency Actions: Factors to Consider Before Taking Action
Institutions that have received a report of a policy violation may consider interim limiting, exclusionary, or emergency actions. This resource outlines when an institution might consider taking action, factors to consider before acting, and the regulatory requirement of such actions under the May 2020 Title IX Regulations.
Collecting and Maintaining Evidence in Title IX Investigations
The 2020 Title IX Regulations make explicit that the burden of gathering evidence “sufficient to reach a determination of responsibility” is on the institution. This resource is intended to assist institutions with developing processes and procedures regarding collecting and maintaining evidence in Title IX investigations. The guide covers what evidence to collect, parties’ rights during an investigation, how to ensure evidence is secure, and more.
Developing Rules of Decorum for Live Hearings
This guide to Developing Rules of Decorum for Live Hearings is offered as a resource to assist institutions with developing processes and procedures that facilitate a fair, respectful, and efficient hearing process.
Pro Tips for K-12 Investigations
Conducting sound investigations always requires training, preparation, and attention to detail. K-12 investigations also require familiarity and sensitivity to the age set and a knowledge of the unique expectations of the K-12 environment. Kelly Whitney, Grand River Solutions’ Senior Investigator, shares insights and guidance garnered from three decades in the field.
Online Harassment Issues
Distance learning is a new normal for students and educators across the country. The benefits of moving online can leave people open to new risks and new forms of harassment. Let us help you learn how to navigate these new and challenging times. In this brief presentation, Jody Shipper discusses safety concerns and provides solutions to managing uninvited guests, disruptions, responding to incidents of “zoombombing,” and more. Access the video and slides here.
Hearings: An Implementation Guide & Checklist
Jody Shipper shares insights on integrating hearings into your campus procedures. What are some considerations for adding hearings into your process? What do you need to keep in mind when crafting your polices and procedures? Learn about some of the key considerations for implementing hearings for your campus community, and gain tools for creating your own internal checklist. Watch Jody’s presentation and download Grand River’s hearing checklist that can be modified for your campus community needs.
Clery Handbook
To help your team with its Clery obligations, we have enhanced the usability of the U.S. Department of Education Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting (“Clery Handbook”) by modifying it into a web-based, easily searchable version. The Clery Handbook includes a checklist, step-by-step procedures, examples, and references for your team to use as a guide in meeting campus safety and security requirements.
Conducting Investigations in Indian Country: Acknowledging Historical Trauma and Cultural Implications
Tribal colleges and universities (also known as TCUs), once overlooked, are growing in popularity as Native American (and some non-Native) students are increasingly recognizing the valuable opportunities provided by their local TCUs, including affordability. With increased student enrollment at these tribal institutions, the need and demand for culturally sensitive Title IX and Title VII investigations is growing as well. This insight paper, authored by Grand River Solutions Senior Investigator, LaNell Kay Shirley, offers considerations for conducting investigations in these communities.
Joint Guidance on Federal Title IX Regulations for Institutions of Higher Education
Grand River’s subject matter experts joined others from around the country to compose guidance for campuses. This Joint Guidance, coordinated by SUNY, provides analysis of each provision (including overlap, harmony, or conflict with the Clery Act, the Violence Against Women Act, and various state laws), and offers initial guidance regarding implementation and challenges that may arise.
Prevention and Protection Podcast: Conducting Remote Investigations During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Conducting remote Title IX investigations? Hear practical tips to employ and pitfalls to avoid on this United Educators podcast. Jody Shipper, Grand River Solutions Co-Founder and Managing Director, joins Heather Salko, Senior Risk Management Counsel at United Educators, to discuss conducting remote investigations during campus closures. Listen as they consider policy and privacy issues, technological hurdles, and providing adequate notice during a pandemic.
U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights Blog
As your institution grapples with creating a new policy based on the most recent Title IX regulations, we recommend you follow the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) blog. To help you navigate the regulations we are keeping tabs on the blog’s topics, so you don’t have to. Follow this resource page to see when the blog is updated and to read summaries of the posts.
Although these blogs are not “law,” they are an invaluable resource for Title IX interpretation. They not only clarify some of the densest parts of the new regulations but provide further resources and examples to make sure that your institution is, and can stay, compliant.
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