Pregnancy or
Related Conditions
Under Title IX Training
Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, which includes pregnancy or related conditions. Schools must prohibit discrimination against students experiencing pregnancy or related conditions and must promptly respond to such discrimination or harassment. Students experiencing pregnancy or related conditions must be allowed equal access to education, including extracurricular and athletic opportunities. In this session, we will discuss the applicable regulations and considerations for ensuring equal access. We will also touch on what Title IX covers relating to employees and pregnancy or related conditions.
The agenda includes:
- Rights for people experiencing pregnancy and related conditions;
- Institutional obligations under the Title IX regulations toward people experiencing pregnancy or related conditions;
- Understanding reasonable and responsible adjustments for students to ensure success;
- Recent relevant OCR resolutions;
- Potential resources;
- Going beyond compliance.
Intended Audience
- Title IX Coordinators
- Deputy Title IX Coordinators
- Student Conduct Administrators
- Student Affairs Administrators
- Senior/Executive Administrators
- HR Professionals
- ADA/504 Practitioners
Meet Our Facilitators

Kateeka J. Harris
Kateeka J. Harris, Ph.D., has nearly two decades of experience in higher education at four year and two-year colleges and universities including Title IX compliance, student conduct, multicultural program administration, and undergraduate admissions. Kateeka is a nationally recognized expert in Student Conduct and Title IX Administration and has held leadership positions within the Association for Student Conduct Administration, including President.

Eugene Smith
Dr. Eugene Smith is a Senior Solutions Specialist with Grand River Solutions. He has nine years of professional experience in student affairs, resource management, organizational strategy, change management, and program development. His experience includes policy and advocacy, diversity and anti-racist initiatives, and academic success programs for low-income and underrepresented populations.
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