NCAA Student-Athlete Serious Misconduct Attestation Template Form
About the 2021 Policy on Campus Sexual Violence
The NCAA Board of Governors issued a revised Policy on Campus Sexual Violence on April 27, 2021. Starting in the 2022-2023 academic year, this policy requires that students participating in athletics annually disclose whether they have engaged in conduct that resulted in discipline through a Title IX or sexual misconduct proceeding or in a criminal conviction for sexual, interpersonal, or other acts of violence. Transfer student-athletes also must disclose whether a Title IX or sexual misconduct proceeding was incomplete at the time of transfer. The policy also requires institutions to take reasonable steps to confirm whether these student-athletes have been disciplined or convicted for such conduct, and requires imember institutions to share relevant disciplinary information with each other when a student-athlete attempts to enroll in a different member institution.
The NCAA recognizes each member institution must collect and confirm this information in a manner consistent with federal and state law and may choose to collect additional information beyond the scope of the NCAA Board of Governors Policy on Campus Sexual Violence based upon their own policies and procedures.
In support of this initiative, Grand River Solutions is offering the following editable templates which adheres to the NCAA disclosure requirements while allowing institutions the flexibility to expand information collection according to their needs.

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