Grand River Solutions, a leading authority in Title IX & equity solutions, proudly announces the appointment of Judith Risch, J.D., Ph.D., as the Title IX & Equity Access Services Special Advisor. Judy brings over two decades of invaluable experience from her...
On February 20, the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) released informational resources that inform students with disabilities, their families, and schools of their legal rights under Section 504. The resources describe the Section 504 protections...
The regulatory agenda reports on the Biden Administration’s plan for upcoming agency actions. A review of the plan for the Department of Education indicates a busy spring on a range of topics, including nondiscrimination. Remember that the dates on the agenda are...
On September 21, 2023, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights announced it had resolved a complaint of disability discrimination filed against the Allegheny Valley School District. Specifically, the investigation concerned (1) whether the District...
Grand River Solutions partnered with Boston University to produce a new online training about autism and providing counseling services to autistic college students. The training was designed for college sexual assault counselors who work with survivors of sexual...
On January 26, 2023, OCR issued a letter and agreement to Troy University in Alabama regarding a Title IX complaint about pregnancy discrimination. The complainant, a pregnant student, sought accommodations and assistance from the Title IX Coordinator and faculty. The...