Advanced Hearing Process
This two-day, 6-hour training is designed for more advanced practitioners, and is based largely in experiential learning. In the session we move past basic building block information about hearings to practice a complex Title IX case from start to finish. This highly interactive training will have participants take on the role of a Hearing Officer or Panelist and be immersed in a practice case study to walk through preparing for the hearing, the hearing process, and the determination. This training is designed to develop and practice skills, guided by an experienced Hearing Officer.
Participants are expected to prepare ahead of the session by reading the practice investigation report and exhibits, and by considering potential questions they might have for the parties and witnesses as well as challenges that may arise in the hearing. Most of the session will be group discussions to work through a case based on real-life challenges. Participants will decide how to address pre-hearing requests, decide which witnesses will be called at the hearing, prepare questions for the parties and witnesses, rule on questions from advisors, address unexpected hearing hurdles, make findings of fact, and conduct policy analysis all based on one fact pattern from start to finish.
Facilitators will cover how to:
- Prepare for the hearing by ensuring the policy aligns with the notices and your scope.
- Prepare for hearings and practice addressing common pre-hearing objections or requests raised by the parties.
- Practice creating neutral, relevant questions for the parties and witnesses identified in the mock investigation report based on the elements of the charge.
- Identify material disputed and undisputed facts based on the mock investigation report.
- Spot any gaps in information that will need to be filled before a determination can be made.
- Make relevancy rulings as the decision-maker.
- Address unexpected challenges that may arise during the hearing.
- Engage in deliberations and present a rationale based on what you have learned.
- Discuss how your rationale might be impacted based on information elicited from your hearing questions.
Intended Audience
- Hearing Officers
- Panelists
- Advisors
- Title IX Coordinators
- Investigators
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