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Portrait Female potter sitting in her studio.

Education, Prevention, and Compliance, all within your budget.

Under the 2024 Title IX Regulations, educational institutions are required to annually train all employees to respond to disclosures of sex-based discrimination and harassment and to disclosures of pregnancy and related conditions.

We created an easy, affordable training package so you can efficiently train every employee across your campus, from the art department to the zoology department.




The Employee Title IX Training Package 

Our All Employee Training Package satisfies the 2024 Regulations and includes the following elements: 


Training Deck

All the 2024 Title IX regulatory requirements for employees are covered in our practitioner-created, customizable PowerPoint deck, designed to be engaging and easily accessible to all levels.

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Syncronized to the deck, the script can be edited with your institution’s specific policies and procedures and will guide you in training both confidential and non-confidential employees on their responsibilities.


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A professionally-designed set of posters are provided for you to print and post or share digitally. Formatted in a 16 x 20 or 8 x 10 format, we developed eye-catching designs that will draw the attention of students and employees while helping create awareness and support compliance.


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Communication Templates

A set of customizable email templates help you communicate your institution’s commitment to Title IX. The messages offer information on the required training, instructions, deadlines, reminders, links, contact information, and a summary of the training once it’s completed.


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Your Subtitle Goes Here

For $1000 per school, our package was designed to be cost-effective for institutions of all levels. If you want a fully tailored package, speak to us about customizing the deck and script and/or providing you a recorded version with professional voice-over.

Not sure which regulations apply to your institution?  Check out our New Regs Hub and consult the Injunctions document.

Our Client Engagement Team

Interested in learning more or purchasing a Title IX Employee Training Package that works for your organization? Reach out and we will connect you with the director for your region.